How to enter the drawer

I no longer use this web site.

Please visit me at

I am now taking orders for Christmas and the book will be ready for distribution on the 6th December 2010

Through Our Children's Eyes

Margaret Jarvinen

PO Box 5398

Alexandra Hills QLD 4161


or e-mail

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wanting to give back...

I am so fortunate in my life - I am able to do what I want, when I want (most of the time).
Late one night I thought how can I give back to my community.
I decided I wanted to donate part of the profits to a children's charity - as its the children that will make my book a reality.
I researched children's charities and chose a charity that resonated with me.
I chose ACT for Kids (formerly known as the Abused Child Trust).
You can visit them at

This decision has provided many benefits already
1) I feel good that I can make a contribution in some way
2) I have increased motivation with the project
3) I have taken the project outside of myself - it has a larger purpose now

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Everything created begins with a thought!

While having my morning coffee and enjoying a moment to myself as my two small children were momentarily content. I thought wouldn't it be nice if someone wrote a book containing quotes on how children perceived their parents and what was the best thing they like doing with Mummy and Daddy.
My intention was that if we (parents) could have something that would remind us what is important to our children - our children just want to be loved by us, explore life with us and be with us.

I have not come across a book with this content. There are many books on how parents perceive their children and parenting. There are also many books containing children's perspective on many topics. I have done some research and I still haven't discovered a book containing children's perceptions on their parents.
So, if anyone knows of such a book, please let me know!

After mentioning this to a friend she said that I may do it myself one day - HELLO, the lights turned on and I decided that I would. I have no previous knowledge of the 'publishing' world or anything related to it!

This conversation with my friend occured in April 2010 and this Blog is a story of my journey in getting a book published titled "Through our children's eyes"

I hope everyone will enjoy reading about my journey and I look forward to sharing it with you :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well, this is all new to me and I am entering the blog world :)!
Now, I have to go and create my first 'official' post.......