How to enter the drawer

I no longer use this web site.

Please visit me at

I am now taking orders for Christmas and the book will be ready for distribution on the 6th December 2010

Through Our Children's Eyes

Margaret Jarvinen

PO Box 5398

Alexandra Hills QLD 4161


or e-mail

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New web site

I will be closing this site very soon.

I am now taking orders for Christmas. Please visit my new web site

Friday, September 24, 2010

Here's the cover of the book!

I am very excited to be able to post the cover!
This is another step closer to making my dream real. It is very exciting.
I love the cover and I would love to know what your thoughts are too.
So, what do you think?

Draw Winners!

I am so excited to post the winners of the draw!

The age groups and prizes were drawn from separate containers by my children – they had a lot of fun doing this activity.
There were no entries above the age of 12 years. Therefore there were no prizes for the age groups between 13 – 15 years.

Here are the winners

Zoe from Capalaba Copy of the book
Jordan from Thornlands Copy of the book
Noah from Capalaba $20 Angus and Robertson Voucher
Lleyton from Capalaba Copy of the book
Shine Lee from Birkdale Copy of the book
Robert from Eight Mile Plans Copy of the book
Maddison from Capalaba Office works Cannon printer
Kylie from Capalaba Copy of the book
Jadene from Capalaba $20 Target Voucher

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sharing joy with our children

I would like to define joy as I understand it. Joy is an emotional state where you are living in the moment. It does not have to be loud, entertaining or purposeful. It is a state of being that prevents us from feeling stressed and focusing on the negative.

Experiencing feelings of joy comes from within you – from your heart. It does not come from an external event for example, if my child is behaving well, if they clean their rooms or get good grades.

For me, when I am feeling joy with my child I am living in the moment. Joy for me is when my child looks deeply in my eyes and says “I love you Mummy” or when I see them having a big belly laugh or when I enter their play world, get down on their level and let them lead the play.

When we are in a state of joy it benefits our bodies, mental health and our relationship with others.

Joy is something that adults can lose along the way. As a child we had the ability to experience joy on a daily basis – we still have that innate ability. Sometimes, with life perceived struggles and occurrences we lose this ability. When we lose this we can disconnect from ourselves.

As adults I believe that somewhere along the line we have replaced joy with external happiness. For example, when I achieve that goal I am happy; when I have completed that task I am happy.

I question myself regularly if my behaviour is teaching my children to experience joy and live joyously or if I am teaching them to disconnect from experiencing joy and associate happiness to completed tasks.

An example comes to mind. I was participating in an under 5 year old disco. This was a fantastic disco with all the trimmings that come with a disco. Disco ball, streamers, flashing lights, music, balloons. The children’s faces as they arrived said it all – lots of smiles, excitement and giggles.
Some children needed time to adjust to the environment while others danced and ran around immediately – it was lovely to see them all experiencing joy in their own time and way.

As a parent how do you behave and what level of participation do you take whilst attending these functions with your child? Would you get up and dance with them or would you sit and watch your children?

How can we confirm to our kids that it is ok to ‘let go’ and be joyous if we do not do it with them?

I realise that dancing may not be your thing and my example is not intended to tell you to show your moves if you are not comfortable. My example is only an example. Maybe there are other activities where you can let your own inner child out and experience joy in its true form with your children.

Teaching them and showing them that you too can have fun and let go is confirming that it is good to experience joy. There is no attachment to the outcome or a goal / task to be completed or accomplished.
So the next time you attend a child’s function will you experience joy with them and let the inner child come out for a play? I hope you do – you will feel much better for it!

How can you implement joy in your daily life with your children?
Write down all the things that bring you joy with your children and try to implement these consistently in your daily lives.

Another thing you could do is ask your children the best thing they like doing with Mummy and Daddy and while you’re at it collect the answers e-mail me their responses so I can include them in my book.

One reason why I am writing this book is to give children a voice and to give us (parents) ideas on how we can do simple, fun things with our kids that bring them joy. By sharing all of our experiences we can gather ideas, learn from each other and implement joy into our daily lives.
I’d like to share with you one more example of how I shared a moment of joy with my son.
I was playing with him and I cannot even remember what it was. I was enjoying the experience – I was experiencing joy. I am glad I noticed that moment immediately and I said to him “Jacob, I really like playing this with you” He looked up with a big smile and said “Aww, thank you Mummy” Jacob is 4 years old. My heart was filled with love.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How the idea of creating this book arose

The idea of this book started one morning when my children were momentarily content and I was able to connect to spirit and spend some time day dreaming.
I was thinking about how beneficial it would be to me if I could discover what was important to my children. For example, what they enjoy doing with me, their father and as a family.
As a mother I have at times become a victim of daily routines, keeping the house in order and duties that I feel can be full of responsibility. At times this perception has prevented me from living in the moment with my children and coming from a space of pure joy and ‘through the eyes of children’. I thought if I could read other children’s perspective on what is important to them I would be better able to implement the behaviour of living in the moment in my daily life and therefore with my children.
I had been listening to a presentation by Mary Morrissey and she mentioned that her hope for humanity was when children from future generations come home from school and say “Oh, mum guess what we learned today? That people use to kill each other – how could they do that?”
Isn’t that a beautiful thought?
I believe that if I can demonstrate to my children by living in the moment and providing experiences that they believe are important to them they will become more joyous, trusting and balanced. I believe this is my role as a mother.
Of cause there are times as parents that we must get on with daily duties and this is part of life. I just like to check in with myself occasionally and strive for more balance.
With this new thought I went in search of such a book. Surely someone has already done this. Apparently for what I could find this has not been done. There were many books on how parents perceive their children, quotes on the funny things children say and perceptions of children on many worldly matters.
I could not find quotes on thoughts of how children perceive their parents and what is important to them.
After discussing this with a friend and with her encouragement I decided to create the book.
I wanted to share with you how this all began. I believe this is an example of when we take the opportunity to listen to the quiet voice inside ourselves we receive inspiration and ideas that possibly can benefit and bring joy to many people.
To find out more about Mary Morrissey go to

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I now have a Graphic Designer & Book Artist

I have just hired a Book Artist. Her name is Carmel Glover and her company is Off The Shelf Book Desing. She has been most helpful with answering my questions.

So, the first stage (which is very exciting) is for me to gather some quotes and pictures so she can get to work on the book cover and complete a sample chapter of the book.
When this is complete I will post on the blog and you can get a look at what the book will look like.
So, watch this space. When I post the cover I would love to receive feedback on your thoughts / suggestions.

Carmel's web site is

Saturday, August 7, 2010

While waiting for postal responses

OK, I have interviewed many children and now waiting to receive more postal responses.
With a bit of extra time now, I have been researching what are my best options for self publishing and if it is as scary as some people perceive it to be.
I may be missing something because, to me, it doesn't appear that scary. It is just a process and you tick the boxes one at a time until you have your printed book.

However, what is on my mind at the moment is the way to market my book. Geez there is so much information out there.
I am starting to think that I will need to get a project manager to organise all the marketing material *laughing*

I have pushed through so many comfort zones to get this far. I think I will just keep pushing through the fear / self doubt and follow my nose.
Of cause I can do this! Of cause I can project manage my marketing strategies for my book!
I am a mother of two small children - they say parenting is the hardest job in the world. Well then, of cause I can do this.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The interview went well

The Bayside Bulletin interview went well yesterday.
The journalist said the story definately will go to print.
I am very happy about that. She could not tell me when the story will run. I just have to keep my eye out.
I am so pleased this occured. I have secured free publicity.
My confidence has increased as well. This journey started out as a very small idea and now a newspaper is assisting me and believes my project is worthwhile.
I am starting to consider if I should take away the age limit and allow anyone of any age to answer the questions.
I certainly would have enough material to create more than one book.
Hmmmm, I will sleep on this idea and see how I feel about it in the morning.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One newspaper wants to do a story

received a phone call last Friday afternoon from the Bayside Bulletin. They would like to do a story.
I was and still am thrilled and excitied. They will interview me on Tuesday.
So, I had to get my hair cut today ready for my photo to be taken!
Will let you know when it goes to print.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A big thank you to Vanelli's Pizzeria & Ice Creamery

Craig and Leanne of Vanelli's Pizzeria & Ice Creamery are supporting me towards achieving my goal!
They are handing out my questions to all families that dine with them.
What a great way to keep the kids entertained while waiting for dinner!
I am very grateful for their support.

Vanelli's is a restaurant located at Alexandra Hills Shopping Centre (next to the post office).
If you would like to know more about Vanelli's go to

Thank you Craig and Leanne

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A big thank you to Domino's Pizza at Capalaba

I have fantastic news!
Paul from Domino's Pizza at Capalaba, QLD is kindly distributing the details of the draw and questions through their home deliveries.
I am so grateful to Paul in helping me access more children's responses. The more responses I receive the more choice I have when deciding which responses will be published.

I will still individually interview some children. I find this task to be the most enjoyable :)!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The deatils of the draw

I am still offering the draw and have started to hand out the questions.
I have included the information below.

Enter the draw
Several gift vouches & prizes to be won
Get published and raise funds for charity

I need children’s responses to several questions. The responses will be published in the book titled “Through our children’s eyes”.
25% of profits will be donated to ACT for Kids (formerly known as the Abused Child Trust) in support of the charity’s free child abuse counselling services.
All children between the ages of 4 to 15 years old can participate.
To enter, write your answers to the questions, attach a drawing of your Mum and Dad or your family (you can attach as many as you like) and post to:

Through Our Children’s Eyes
PO Box 5398
Alexandra Hills, QLD 4161

All entries must be received by the 22nd September 2010.
Visit my blog to keep up to date with how the book is developing, book launch dates and orders.
My blog address is:
To learn more about ACT for Kids go to

Terms and conditions: By entering the draw the children’s first names, age, responses to questions and drawings may be published in the publication “Through our children’s eyes”. The draw will be completed by the 29th September 2010 and winners will be contacted via phone, e-mail or postal address. Prizes include, Target vouchers, Office works printer,Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary passes and many more. Full list and winners will be on Blog.

I don't think the newspapers are going to play..

Well, I contacted the local paper yesturday.
I have had no response.

At first I was a little disapointed but not any more.
I have enjoyed having direct contact with children and am loving hearing their responses.
This has lifted my heart and brought me a lot of joy.

So, I actually think that it is better that I 'plod' away at interviewing as many children as I can.
I have to remind myself that it is not the end result that is important. It's the journey I am experiencing!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Where to start?

Ok, so I had this great idea - now, where to next?
I spent a good month on deliberating how I should collect children's quotes.
I would love to interview all the children myself and ask them questions. But, one problem - where am I going to have access to soooooo many children.

I can't go door knocking or ask people in the street - 'can I speak with your children?' Mind you I did consider it.

I decided to hold a competition (a draw really, I don't believe in competitions for kids - how can you judge a child's response on how they perceive their parents?)
So, I have done up a flyer, wrote up my questions and thought I would hand it out to all and sundry!

I have also, approached local businesses for donations (gift vouchers etc) to assist with accumulating prizes for the draw. Some have been very generous and I will provide a list soon. I am still seeking donations. I am hoping to get 25% of the total prizes donated. I will fund the rest.

I have also, asked the Courier Mail (QLD newspaper) for help - still waiting to hear back from them. I am guessing I won't. So, tomorrow I will try the local rag instead.

I have asked a few of my Son's friends the questions and their answers have been absolutely beautiful - I will post some responses soon.
It was alot of fun being with them while they think about their answers - I enjoyed the process so much!

Ok, so tomorrow I will contact the local paper and fingers crossed I get some serious exposure.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wanting to give back...

I am so fortunate in my life - I am able to do what I want, when I want (most of the time).
Late one night I thought how can I give back to my community.
I decided I wanted to donate part of the profits to a children's charity - as its the children that will make my book a reality.
I researched children's charities and chose a charity that resonated with me.
I chose ACT for Kids (formerly known as the Abused Child Trust).
You can visit them at

This decision has provided many benefits already
1) I feel good that I can make a contribution in some way
2) I have increased motivation with the project
3) I have taken the project outside of myself - it has a larger purpose now

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Everything created begins with a thought!

While having my morning coffee and enjoying a moment to myself as my two small children were momentarily content. I thought wouldn't it be nice if someone wrote a book containing quotes on how children perceived their parents and what was the best thing they like doing with Mummy and Daddy.
My intention was that if we (parents) could have something that would remind us what is important to our children - our children just want to be loved by us, explore life with us and be with us.

I have not come across a book with this content. There are many books on how parents perceive their children and parenting. There are also many books containing children's perspective on many topics. I have done some research and I still haven't discovered a book containing children's perceptions on their parents.
So, if anyone knows of such a book, please let me know!

After mentioning this to a friend she said that I may do it myself one day - HELLO, the lights turned on and I decided that I would. I have no previous knowledge of the 'publishing' world or anything related to it!

This conversation with my friend occured in April 2010 and this Blog is a story of my journey in getting a book published titled "Through our children's eyes"

I hope everyone will enjoy reading about my journey and I look forward to sharing it with you :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well, this is all new to me and I am entering the blog world :)!
Now, I have to go and create my first 'official' post.......